About changing the world. The first 21 (24, 25, 26.. because of course we are still staying plastic bag focused in our daily world) we were focusing on the big world - the whole world - the environment. This 21 days we are focused on our own individual worlds - that space that is just yours.
Goethe once said, "Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean." And if you think about it - that's just what we are doing. We can declutter and organize our homes, bless others with our donations, keep our friends and family safe and healthy by giving them a clean and loved place to spend time with us. So cleaning our homes can be helping to make the world better.
Just a thought...
More pics to follow from my home tonight! I hope you are taking some before and after (okay - just after if you want to!) of your home so you can go back and reflect on the changes you see after 21 days. I am. I think it could be a good exercise and maybe even a reminder of how it could look again in the future if we don't take a few minutes each day...
By the way, 15 minutes in the your bathroom(s) could make an ENORMOUS difference. If you did the sink yesterday - then go back and spend 15 minutes. Don't empty all your drawers, cabinets and shelves in there - just go in and quickly give it all a good wipedown and swish around the bowl with a little cleaner. I'm gonna! I have a 5.5 year old boy - you know what you can find in front of a toilet right? Remember - we are going for tidy and clean, we're NOT asking to be able to perform open heart surgery in your tub!!
Give it a go! Go NOW!
Love These Kids
8 years ago
1 comment:
Ok I did this even though I didn't really want too! lol
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