Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey guys - Pam sent me her story from yesterday...
I have a new story from my travels yesterday too - I will post mine later on today.

Pam's story!
Net Gain = 1 plastic bag

Ugh. So frustrated. I can't believe I came home with one today. I was so prepared. Had a bag of cloth bags with me everywhere went. Even came home with one empty one. So what happened? Well, we went to the farmer's market and DH likes on particular kind of apples - Golden Delicious. The vendor already had them packaged in a plastic bag and DH did not ask her to dump them into one of our cloth bags. And I was standing right there...but did I jump in and assert myself? Nope. Should I have? I felt a little rude.

You know it seems kind of ironic to me now that I think about it. The farmer's market is all about supporting local growers, buying fresh, etc. Yet they give out a lot of plastic bags. Strange. Still, I was happy to see I was not the only one there toting cloth bags. In fact, I saw cloth bags (other than my own) in nearly every store I was in today. A good sign indeed.

It was great to see the dollar store clerk in Kim's post noting that people are saying no to bags. Yea! My biggest beef is with retailers who just really want to give you that bag. I know it is a form of advertising for them, but hey if you really want to get noticed put out a really functional, well-priced, long lasting cloth bag. It will go places you could only imagine!

Thanks Pam!

Well I did manage to make myself a "purse-tote" but I didn't have any of the nicey nice ones that clip closed all tiny so instead, being me, I improvised. You can too...
You will note that because I knew I would lose the elastic every time in the chaos that is my giant purse (I gotta lotta stuff in there!) that I attached the elastic to the handle and it's actually quite small and compact... and I can't lose my elastic when I use it - HA!
You can do it too!!!
I still have to give one away to someone. Working on that one for sometime this week!

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