Friday, December 26, 2008

It has been insane.
I wasn't ready for Christmas. Were you?
I mean, I made it in under the wire. Last minute crazy mall shopping against my will.
In fact, I actually have two more presents to buy for people I won't see until next week.
I have ideas you understand - but not the presents.
I don't really have any ideas either.

And my house is
You wouldn't believe one house could be in this state. And Christmas morning wasn't even here - we sleep over and open presents at my parents house and then cart it all back here in bins and bags and everything is now strewn from room-to-room.
However, it was, in a word - SPECTACULAR.
And I am sorry that I haven't blogged.

I hope you and your families had a most incredible and amazing holiday.
And that you all have a wonderful new year too.

I am not going to promise to blog in the next day or two. I will really try!

But I am going to promise to clean my house and put everything away tomorrow. (Except it is fun to keep it out and play with all the new stuff - if I put it away we might forget about something right???)

I promise to make a martian.

And to play this:

And I think that is as far as I want to plan. It's more fun to just go with it once in a while right?
Although I am going to pick up some groceries, maybe a nice roast for the family...? Ahhh Betty has been missing me like I have been missing her...
And some logs for the fireplace. Hmmm.... That sounds nice already!
Peace xoxo


Deanna said...

Hahaha, I feel the same way!

I left for vacationa and my house is a mess and so dirty!

Oh and I have made 6 martians! lol

Kate's Life said...

I am lovin the martian thing!!! Looks like fun! Glad you had a wonderful holiday, and just remember the kids don't remember the clean house- they remember you making martians!!!!
Have fun Kim!!!